best news all week
Friday, September 30, 2011
nickname of the day
If NOBODY else has come up with this on the PLANET...then you heard it here first. I have a new nickname for Ms. Garofalo..
"Janeane Gar-AWFUL-o"
she deserves the nickname..
Monday, September 26, 2011
Morgan Freeman is flat wrong
So..let me get this straight. Morgan Freeman thinks the GOP goals, of unseating a democrat who is spending FAR MORE of YOUR money, AND mine, than George W. Bush EVER did, are "racist"?
and this is the same man who said this a number of years ago
I loved Herman Cain's response to Morgan Freeman's misinformed statements on the aforementioned GOP goals
Cain has an excellent point about critics not attending these conservative rallies
the campaign against Obama has never been ABOUT race, and Morgan Freeman needs to brush up on the history of race in America..
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Watters & Waters
"The Factor" producer Jessie Watters recently caught up with the mean spirited crusty old Democrat Maxine Waters (that woman needs to be voted out) who, not surprisingly, didn't have the guts to utter one WORD, although Watters managed to run into some OTHERS as well
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
2 Democrats flattened
Republican Bob Turner wins New York special election
Initial results in Nevada House race favor GOP
I think a little celebration is in order!
well GEE...I wonder just WHAT the response will BE?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Cat-like dog climbs trees in China
not quite "Catdog", but this is a very remarkable dog out of China
Local rememberance
A friend/contact of mine, Brandon Atchison, at the local news station, News10, did a fantastic piece here in Northern California about remembering September 11, 2001
Never Forget.
10 years to the day - nine eleven
Bob Parks originally created this for the 1st anniversary and published it in 2007, but reworked the video and published this in 2010
I was infinitely happy when Bin Laden was killed on May 1st
and I still feel we GOT Bin Laden thanks to President George W. Bush's policies
Friday, September 9, 2011
Getting noticed
apparently my little video that I threw some music behind
and which was edited by FOX News (edits in video are nothing new), was featured on
My audio work is getting noticed..
Patriotism of the day
apparently this was during the season opener for the Green Bay Packers
even though I'm a San Francisco 49ers fan, this was a hell of a way to open a season for a team. Definitely an amazing feeling of pride.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Simulcast of the day
I thought it was interesting that after Obama's speech tonight that Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network did a quick simulcast interview with O'Reilly & Dobbs. I turn on FNC and I see this
I turn on FBN and I see this
too funny, good times. hope to see it done again
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Absent minded liberals
I love how, over the recent Jimmy Hoffa Jr episode, some liberals are crying foul over edited footage from Fox News of his speech calling the Tea Party "son of a bitches" (I'm frustrated too that it was edited, but I'm not up in arms about it like THEY are)
We all know MSNBC would NEVER edit THEIR stories...right?
reminds me of what Congressman Darrel Issa once said - "You are entitled to your opinions, sir, but not your facts"
Download of the day
Aside from the great selections from the game on the official soundtrack, here is what I was able to dig up from the "L.A. Noire" soundtrack. One of my few complaints was that Rockstar did not publish EVERYTHING in the game. I have yet to find the rest of the music, but this is a great step in the right direction towards the goal of having everything from the game
enjoy, folks
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Katz reacts
Tony Katz took the fight to MSNBC regarding Jimmy Hoffa Jr's recent remarks and encountered the usual liberal media arrogance
good job though
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fear monger of the day
Hoffa on Tea Party: 'Take These Son-of-a-Bitches Out'
how charming...
if the video below ever expires, you can always find it here
interesting how nobody on the left wanted to heed Obama's call for "civility" after the Arizona shooting in January, and still have not listened to "dear leader" [Obama]
Oh, and you gotta love how Hoffa says there is a "war on workers". Sorry no, there's no "war on workers". To me, being a republican, I'm disgusted with working CONDITIONS, like those in China, and everything else deplorable here at home. It may be a pipe-dream, but it would be nice if THOSE conditions were improved, and people wouldn't commit suicide due to workplace depression. If we can improve conditions in America where it's actually sub-standard, that will speak well of OUR country at least
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Tony Katz in Napa
(photo credit: me)
I went ahead and isolated his speech from august 26th as I thought it was especially poignant
make sure and visit his website
Why we need to cut spending NOW!!
A youtube friend of mine, Herbunk, has 9 minutes of cold hard perspective as to why we need to cut spending, and fast...
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Zo of the day
love whenever this man speaks. this time around it's about some "remarks" from some in the Congressional Black Caucus
if that video ever expires, it can always be found here
Friday, September 2, 2011
Napa Tea Party Dinner
This is how the Dinner went, in the video playlist below. Bear in mind I arrived 15 minutes LATE and was impetuous to shoot film, making a critical error in shooting AGAINST the sun..and not WITH it. I just started shooting as soon as I got there..
expect footage of nasty, mean spirited liberals I shot the day after the dinner, in the coming days
Quote of the day
in a reply on Facebook, to a woman named Jennifer Woods..
"Jennifer,"...what happened to looking for solutions and working together?" you write. Allow me to ask, what happens when the other side isn't interested in "working together: unless it's to advance a failed, big government, liberty-destroying "solution"? Many of us have no interest in "working with the other side" if the only outcome is to slow the date of our inevitable demise as a nation."
-Chuck Devore
I'll be damned if Democrats EVER want to LEGITIMATELY "work with" the Republican Party. All they need is our bribed votes for their cancerous agenda whenever they fall short of votes on their side of the isle..
Thursday, September 1, 2011
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Blog Archive
- Another one bites the dust
- nickname of the day
- Morgan Freeman is flat wrong
- Flashback of the day
- Watters & Waters
- excellent question from the next generation
- 2 Democrats flattened
- Cat-like dog climbs trees in China
- Bear breaks in, steals car
- Local rememberance
- 10 years to the day - nine eleven
- Getting noticed
- Patriotism of the day
- Simulcast of the day
- Absent minded liberals
- Download of the day
- The Katz reacts
- Fear monger of the day
- Tony Katz in Napa
- Why we need to cut spending NOW!!
- Zo of the day
- Napa Tea Party Dinner
- Quote of the day
- NewsBusted of the day
- The REAL Jersey Shore..
- Kevin Jackson of the day
- First day of September