Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Give the Hawaiian Governor what he wants
Hawaii's governor wants to reveal Obama birth info
I think he, like the rest of the nation, is entitled to it. Screw these state privacy laws regarding a little thing like a BIRTH certificate to remain secret..
I still remember this video from back in 2008, in December, before Obama took office
East Coast idiot city workers
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
it'll be fun to remember the Democrat garbage
Thursday, December 23, 2010
the year in review
remember folks, in 2012, vote
and let's keep him from that second term, shall we?
"Operation Christmas For Our Troops" a HUGE success
I was there for days 1 and 7, putting in 12 hour days to help, and 8 or 9 hours another day, finally putting in 4 or more hours helping to pack up things then transporting them to my friend's home
my toy drive photos
Day 1
Day 7
I later talked to Rodney and he told me "get me more media coverage!". So I barnstormed through the local news stations, calling channel 3, channel 10, and channel 13, giving each newsroom a concerned ear full of why Rodney needed more media coverage . since channel 10 helped put the word out, my friend went from almost not being able to deliver toys to ALL the military families, to having likely a SURPLUS thanks to the News10 viewers
it was an absolutely killer feeling to know this was accomplished, and I'm very proud of the help I was able to render to the cause.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
2010 SUCKED....personally
what a thrilling feeling. Haven't posted in months due to personal shit hitting the fan. I've been through a lot, so I appreciate anybody out there still keeping up with my goofy blog here. thanks
suffice to say I've managed to jump to the El Dorado County Republican Party months ago, and it's been interesting, to say the least. Met up with the executive director of that county's party, a fantastic guy by the name of Rodney Stanhope. Recently, I jumped into Rodney's annual Toy Drive, "Operation Christmas for Our Troops", and the other day we were featured in a local Sacramento online publication (Full story). Did something earlier in the month I've NEVER done before in my life - sell my own product I made - a photo of the moon
(full photo)
sold it to my dentist, who was impressed by it, for $20, on December 6th, 2010. Felt great.
lot of other stuff going on as well, like picking up a likely ill fated business that my late grandfather used to own.
Been VERY up and down, more than the stock market, but I'm around..still ticking..still wondering what the hell will happen next.
let's just say I can't wait for 2011 already...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Pic of the day
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Because the left needs a boogeyman..
silly lefties.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
bonehead scientist of the day
apparently some German scientist thinks "climate change" now killed the Dinosaurs.
give me a break. this "Scientist" need accept the FACTS on "climate change".
Bob's radio spot from 2009..
and Bob's recent question to Lord Christoper Monkton
Question of the day, for Dems...
you tell me
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The slow return of B&R
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
way too coincidental playlist of the day
Was playing "Rock Band 2" tonight and this "local artist" playlist, in the Chicago setting of the game, reminded me WAY too much of the Great Healthcare Debate coming to ahead today
"Hello There" - Cheap Trick
"Today" Smashing Pumpkins
"Eye of the Tiger" - Survivor
"Give It All" - Rise Against
"Down With The Sickness" - Disturbed
if that doesn't scream "healthcare showdown", don't know much else does
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hypocrite of the day
and yet they lift the band on sexual language..
(a shot from my phone)
Sounds to me like they're not complete fans of the 1st amendment
Hypocrisy anyone?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Pics of the day
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
bogus lawsuit of the day
in her quest to stay relevant, Lindsay Lohan is filing a bogus lawsuit against Etrade for this ad in which she thinks is a reference to her. The names are purely coincidental
nice, Lohan..
Monday, March 8, 2010
Progress in Iraq
Just who WAS it though that wanted Iraq to be a more free and stable society?
Wasn't Obama...
side note:
I still remember how the left came up with the feeble arguments on WMDs. What they fail to realize is this..
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Amazing gaming feat of the day
Apparently a Canadian blind gamer spent the past 2 years conquering the classic Nintendo 64 game "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" (with of coarse some help from some dedicated online friends)
Very cool. Congrats to him!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Pic of the Day
Indonesian students protest Barack Obama’s visit
Thursday, March 4, 2010
More Egyptian history discovered
Burial chamber of ancient Egyptian queen unearthed
you learn something new every day
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
and this is really raising eye brows on the left...
this was one of my favorite radio stations around. apparently, today, it now ceases to exist. For MY money, it had one of the most gorgeous, smoothest DJs around
Linda Clayton
here is one of her blog entries from 2009
Top Ten Life Lessons Learned the Hard Way!
"I probably wouldn’t have listened…but still, no one took the time to tell me when I was heading into High School some of the things I have told my daughter …and I wish, in hindsight, I could have been told.
My daughter says, “I know, I know Mom…you’ve said these things since grade school”…she especially remembers me saying to her in Kindergarten how some kids will be a reflection of themselves…and I know kids in High School can be just as mean…but maybe not as mean as Middle School….I don’t know…we shall see. I hope parents realize all their teens really go through.
So, I can only hope…she might still listen and apply these life-lessons the best she can… even though I’ve tried to back off from her rolling eyes…I still find myself saying the following in one way or another… because, I hope some day…my daughter will be glad I reminded her of these things. “Humor me”…I say, and she says…ok Mom….whatever…then we laugh…but maybe just maybe she listens and it will help her in life.
Teenagers are so fickle…sometimes I can’t get her off my lap and other times she wants me to stay away from her…but I hug her anyway. How embarrassing can a mom be? How did I ever get to be so ….well…you know… annoying? (smile)…it’s so fun.
Here’s my top ten list of life lessons: For my teenager as well as the rest of us.
1) Be yourself, regardless of what others think…be kind, regardless how others act…let it be a reflection on them…not you.
2) Find something humorous in situations that frustrate you…laugh with yourself.
2) Act …”as if”…and you will create what you want. ie: “act”… confident ! (Yes…good posture helps you ”act” and look more confident even when you’re scared or nervous. Sometimes we need to ‘fake it til’ we make it’….)
3) Follow your gut-level intuition but lead your heart. Stay trustworthy…it takes a lot to earn trust back.
4) Just say No …but be cool about it…say it confidently…say it’s not your thing, or you’re not ready yet… NO is actually an easy word to say…even if they try to make you say yes…say its ok to NOT say…ok. You’ll thank yourself the next day and have no worries….NO =no worries later.
5) You are who you choose to continually hang out with. People can be flowers in your garden or weeds…sometimes you have to pull the weeds to let your garden of life grow beautiful. Water with love.
6) Some people just need DRAMA in their life to feel alive. (go ahead and feel alive) but, know that one may be ignored when one over-acts…or over reacts.
7) Believe in doing your best…and remember every day is a new day.
8) If you need to talk…find a trustworthy older person who will really listen without judgment…or a therapist or pastor. Sometimes parents just want to fix the problem for you so if you need to talk with another mentor… it’s a wise thing to do. Remember, most friends can rarely keep things to themselves….its just too tempting…so be careful with your personal information.
9) You will face adversities…strength comes from how well you handle them. Ignoring problems make the problems bigger. When you make a mistake… be proactive…admit it…the truth really does set you free. (People who deny or lie about things cause a lot of misery for themselves and others…and they will end up not being respected…especially self-respected.)
10) Consequences are just that…so, to avoid consequences …never get yourself into any situation where the consequences will make you lose the respect of others or your self-respect. Keep your dignity in tact regardless of your emotions!
OK…so there they are… my top ten life-lessons I’m sharing with my daughter before she goes into High School in a few weeks….lessons I’ve learned the hard way and I wish someone would have shared them with me when I was just 14.
I know there are many more life lessons we’ve all learned from…maybe some humorous ones we can add to this list…feel free to add your comment…so we can all learn from each other. And, yes…I will share it with my daughter"unfortunately this reminds me of another jazz station that tanked several years ago, 101.9 The City
I haven't the foggiest if 94.7 ever played this, but knowing them like I do, this sounds like something they might've played
in their farewell statement on their website, they say
As we all know, the one thing we can count on in life is change. It’s in that spirit that I must tell you that the format on 94.7 KSSJ is going to change Wednesday, March 3rd at 12:00 pm. Playing Smooth Jazz favorites is one side of who we are – it’s the side you hear. The other side is the reality that operating a radio station is a business – that’s the side we see.
In the past few years, the business side of KSSJ has become increasingly difficult. There are many reasons for it, but the unfortunate fact is that the audience for the station can no longer sustain the business of the station. In that way, we’re no different from a retail business that doesn’t have enough customers to keep the doors open.
One of the best parts of this adventure has been the Smooth Jazz Concert Series at the Radisson Hotel. Fortunately, many of these shows will continue. If you’d like more information on the concert series, please click on this link: .
94.7 KSSJ leaves a legacy of sound. We’ve considered it an honor and a pleasure to have entertained you over the years. Your support has been appreciated more than you’ll ever know. If you wish to leave a comment, please use the following link: click here to send us your comments.
Stay smooth Sacramento…
Sad sign of the times...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Another killer column from Bob
The Youth War On US
by Bob Parks
There was an old English saying, “A mayde schuld be seen, but not herd” which has since morphed into ‘Children should be seen and not heard’. The latter was the world I grew up in, and as one finds as one grows up, there is wisdom in old sayings.
I remember being with my father and his friends as a child, and that saying was the rule, because of course, I had very little to offer an adult conversation. That was then.
I also remember the Bill Clinton/Whitney Houston 80s and 90s. Bill Clinton for coining the phrase “for the children” and Whitney Houston for that sappy song “The Greatest Love Of All’ with what we thought were harmless lyrics….
I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Between the two of them, talk about the makings of the big head.
Let me preface the remainder of this column by saying that when I refer to young people, I don’t mean all. Some of them get it. Obviously, most of them don’t.
Those kids grew up with progressive teachers who, because of the power of the grading system (which can make or break futures), told them they knew more than their ignorant parents; they knew more than simpleton adults. They’re opinions, despite the lack of life experience, were equal, important, if not superior, to adults. We gave them the technological means for self-expression which they now use to bully themselves and others.
They now believe they know everything because of what they were taught by educational authority figures. They believed in recycling, came home and told us we should too. They believed in the Palestinians, and came home and told us we should too.
Think about this: do you think young teen-aged girls, yapping away on cellphones about themselves and boys at the mall would soon be ready to place themselves between an Army bulldozer and a suspected terrorist hideout on the West bank without a little prodding from some opinionated college professors?
They now believe in global warming caused by evil corporations and our lust for the very fossil fuels that enabled us to take their lazy butts to the mall, came home and told us we should too. Then they believed in a man named Barack Obama for all the wonderful things he would do to fix this imperialist, racist, homophobic society that enabled them to live relatively carefree lives.
They came to our homes; they came to our schools; they came to our workplaces; they came via our television shows; they came to our websites and demanded we think like they wanted us to think, vote like they wanted us to vote, or else.
Now, they roam the streets when we have party conventions, destroy public and private property, wearing black masks in full view seemingly to give us all the middle finger of defiance while they intentionally break the law.
What else did that “or else” entail?
They got in our faces. They called us names when they couldn’t debate the realities of what Obama’s policies could cost us all, which was not big deal to them because most of them still live at home, don’t pay rent, don’t pay for food, don’t pay for their cellphone bill (and bitch when they exceed their text limits), don’t pay for the Internet bill, don’t pay for power, don’t do dishes, and many don’t even wash their own clothes, yet THEY KNOW what’s best for the nation.
THEY KNOW that Cap-and-Trade will be good for the economy and will create “green jobs” although they can’t tell us what specifically they’ll be.
THEY KNOW that universal health care is something they all want, although probably none of them could define it two years ago.
Personally, I’m tired of having arrogant, narcissistic children question my intelligence publicly online while they can’t even accurately spell their insults. I’m tired of being told my opinion on foreign affairs don’t matter because I never served (even though I am a Navy veteran). I’m tired of hearing Bill Clinton and Whitney Houston’s voices every time I’m told that my opinions don’t count because I won’t be around much longer, the world belongs to them, and they’ll show us with their soon-to-be-served Coffee Parties.
I plan of being around (as I’m not THAT old) when the social utopia they insisted would come about doesn’t and they whine because we saw this coming and didn’t warn them. I plan on being around watching them bitch and moan when they have to pay 80 cents on every dollar they earn because of socialist policies their president imposed on the rest of us that limits their freedoms. And they thought a grounding was bad. Soon they’ll have to pay for the privilege and it’ll be their own damn fault.
The very young people we sacrificed decades of our lives feeding, clothing, and housing have declared war on the rest of us. If you think I’m being sensational, ask yourselves this: where would we be today had those young people listened to the advise of those who’ve seen and experienced more? Would we be talking about “reconciliation” or “carbon credits” or “death panels”? Would our entertainment and education industrial complexes have had the power to turn the very children we supported with our unconditional love and toil against us?
Maybe, maybe not, but much of the youth of America has declared war on the rest of us and we all need to decide what we’re going to do about it.
Personally, with the coming midterm and presidential elections looming, I think I may offer what my father would’ve said.
Children should be seen and not heard.
And if that doesn’t work, “Shut up!”
Monday, March 1, 2010
70s music of the day
Point's just plain rad
Final episode of NQ..for now
Bob Parks says this is the final episode of "Notable Qoutables" for a while, until some new format is devised, if anything at all
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Better POTUS
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Epic talent of the day
But he also can do, among other things, the "halo" theme
gotta love how people put this stuff on the internet. Definitely a way to get noticed by employers and garner fans
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Gore's 'movement' should be FIRED
Donald Trump knows bullshit when he sees it..
Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn’t care less. It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America’s stupidity"
Sort of reminds me somebody ELSE who's a fraud getting the Nobel Peace Prize..
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Bill Nye the sucker guy
Apparently Bill Nye is now getting desperate with the mounting truth about "global warming" or "climate change" or whatever the hell they are calling it these days..
If you want to get serious about it, these guys claiming that the snow in Washington disproves climate change are almost unpatriotic — it’s as if they’re denying science.
— Bill Nye, the Science Guy, to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow
Hey Bill, I got your Science right here
(from 2009)
wonder how he'd react to the REAL Science if he knew it..
Bill Nye "The Sucker Guy" needs to see this film..
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Notable Quotables, Ep. 7
Monday, February 1, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
DJ Steve Porter remix of the day
another teleprompter, another day, more embarrassment
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
'Bonanza' Star Pernell Roberts Dies at 81
Pernell Roberts
so sad to know all four of them are gone..
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Barack Oprompta
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Candidate of the day
"King" George Miller
for the California 7th Congressional District, a fantastic guy who I know personally (along with his family)
Retired Air Force Lt. Col., Conservative Republican Rick Tubbs
Swing on by his website for his cutting-edge plan to actually restore the America Dream and integrity to an office so that we actually want to re-elect him, for doing a good job, not fake campaign promises
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Blog Archive
- Because the left needs a boogeyman..
- Sonja Schmidt of the day
- The Conservative = Violent / Liberal = Non-Violent...
- bonehead scientist of the day
- Vanity of Vanities
- Question of the day, for Dems...
- The slow return of B&R
- New Poizner ad
- way too coincidental playlist of the day
- killer remix of the day
- trailer of the day
- Hypocrite of the day
- Pic of the day
- Obama math 101
- Liberals are sexist Pigs. Period.
- LIberals - how DO YOU like him NOW?
- Pics of the day
- If Obama's administration were a sitcom
- The Hyprocacy of MSNBC
- "Reach" preview
- bogus lawsuit of the day
- I'd Rather...
- Progress in Iraq
- The genius of Sarah Palin
- Amazing gaming feat of the day
- Wimps of the day..
- Pic of the Day
- More Egyptian history discovered
- The OTP
- R.I.P.
- Another killer column from Bob
- 70s music of the day
- Final episode of NQ..for now