Sunday, July 17, 2011

Missed video of the day

apparently I missed this back in april...

good case, but how did I MISS this cool video?

Parents Struggle to Get Their Children into Charters

another excellent column from a friend of mine at the CRP

Micah Grant
Communications Strategist,
California Republican Party

Parents Struggle to Get Their Children into Charters

Nationwide, minority parents are beginning to realize the negative impact public employee unions are having on their children, especially in the inner city. Whether public employee unions realize it or not, they are partly responsible for sabotaging the future of many African-American children who unfortunately do not have a say in where they are educated.

As a product of what is formerly known as South Central Los Angeles, I can attest to the horrid conditions which often distract and obstruct children from receiving the proper education they deserve; gang violence poverty, and urban decay are far from the conditions that our beloved civil rights heroes envisioned for our community when the doctrine of "separate but equal" was struck down in 1964. However, neither did they envision a point where these circumstances would be used as a scapegoat to keep minority students trapped in a failing public school system with teachers who aren't vested in their future.

read more here

Friday, July 15, 2011

NewsBusted of the day

The Congressman's Congressman

Bob interviewed Retired Colonel Congressman Allen West a few days ago. LOVE IT!!

Rep. Allen West: President Obama Must Fire Eric Holder Over Operation Fast and Furious or He Is Complicit

Even though the Colonel is a freshman congressman, he IS the Congressman's Congressman

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reefer Madness

the final DLC case to come out for the game

the whole reefer thing also reminds me of the "Cab" Calloway standard "Reefer Man". Here it is by my favorite band, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Baseball Card of the day

George W. Bush teams up with Topps for 9/11-era baseball card

Excellent card. At least Bush can throw a strike..

Friday, July 8, 2011

"Tax The Rich"...

The Media Research Center brings the topic to the people

The regretful Obama voter

there's a very good chance more may wake up to the garbage that Barack Obama and the left are unleashing onto this country. Hopefully there will be more like Jodi Carrol

Read the interview that Bob Parks conducted here

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Los Angeles - Then and Now

A few of the guys from RoosterTeeth did a little comparison of Los Angeles of today, with Los Angeles of yesteryear, as portrayed in "L.A. Noire"

Monday, July 4, 2011

"The Rich Old White Guys"

some perspective on the lesser known signers of the declaration of independence

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bonehead of the day

Chris Matthews Compares Kansas Abortion Regulations to Jim Crow Efforts to Disenfranchise Blacks

The left more often than not throws out the race card whenever they have no argument left in them.

Does Chris "Thrill up my leg" Matthews even KNOW a thing or two ABOUT abortion??

Friday, July 1, 2011

NewsBusted of the day

Don't "Pass" on this content..

the 3rd in a series of only 4 DLC cases to come out, this is the extra arson case to come out

and don't forget the Rockstar Pass,

I believe the "special offer" they mentioned was the in-game Chicago Piano Gun that you can pull out of any cop car while in a firefight

can't wait to get that final vice case

More details on the DLC can be found here

Smartphones are fun!

love my Samsung Captivate smart phone, and there are a ton of fun applications on the Android Marketplace. I love how Geico capitalized on this and made a joke about it in their ad.

good times

Why high taxes SUCK

Glenn explains why high taxes are hurting my state of California..